Welcome to the Memory Safety Menagerie! This web page is a virtual catalog of research papers about memory safety. I hope that it provides a good starting point for researchers and students.
In an attempt to organize the vast literature on the topic, I have created "sub-menageries" that collect together papers on similar topics. Organization is a tricky thing (just ask the guy who discovered the platypus), so I suggest perusing the menagerie to get a feel for what is inside.
- July 15, 2014: Added two papers on return-to-libc attacks to the Memory Safety Attacks menagerie.
- June 6, 2014: Added several new papers on memory safety attacks to the Memory Safety Attacks menagerie.
- June 6, 2014: Added several new papers on control flow integrity to the Other Security Techniques menagerie.
- August 1, 2012: Added Niranjan et. al.'s paper and Konstantin et. al.'s paper on using guard pages to the Memory Safety menagerie.
- July 6, 2012: Added Bin Zeng et. al.'s paper on control-flow integrity improvements to the Other Security Techniques menagerie.
- August 16, 2011: Added Edward Schwartz et. al.'s paper to the Memory Safety Attacks menagerie.
- August 9, 2011: The menagerie goes live!